Saturday, April 28, 2012

Brain Injuries

Neurocritical care focuses on critically ill patients with primary
or secondary neurological problems. Initially neurocritical care
was developed to manage postoperative neurosurgical patients;
it then expanded to the management of patients with traumatic
brain injury (TBI), intracranial hemorrhage and complications of
subarachnoid hemorrhage, including vasospasm, elevated
intracranial pressure (ICP) and the cardiopulmonary
complications of brain injury (Bamford 1992). The striking
improvements noted in many studies suggest that high-quality
neurocritical care with the delivery of targeted therapeutic
interventions does have an impact, not only on survival, but
importantly also on the quality of survival.
Types of Brain Injuries
Primary brain injuries
Ischemic brain injury: either global, which includes cardiac
arrest or anoxia, or regional ischemic brain injury, which
includes vasospasm, compression of blood vessels or stroke.
Stroke can be classified into ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes.
Ischemic stroke accounts for 80% of all strokes and can be
further classified into thrombotic or embolic stroke; ischemic
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thrombotic stroke accounts for 77% while ischemic embolic
stroke constitutes the remainder.
Hemorrhagic strokes constitute 10-20% of all strokes, and can
be further classified into two types, the intracerebral
hemorrhage that constitutes up to 75% and the subarachnoid
hemorrhage that makes up the other 25%.
Acute ischemic stroke is the third leading cause of death in
industrialized countries and the most frequent cause of
permanent disability in adults worldwide, so understanding the
pathogenesis of ischemic stroke is mandatory. Despite great
strides in understanding the pathophysiology of cerebral
ischemia, therapeutic options remain limited. Only recombinant
tissue plasminogen activator (rTPA) for thrombolysis is
currently approved for use in the management of acute ischemic
However, its use is limited by its short therapeutic window (3-
4.5 hours), complications from the risk of hemorrhage, and the
potential damage from reperfusion injury. Effective stroke
management requires recanalization of the occluded blood
vessels. However, reperfusion can cause neurovascular injury,
leading to cerebral edema, brain hemorrhage, and neuronal
death by apoptosis or necrosis (Hajjar 2011).
Central nervous system (CNS) infections: Acute onset fever
with altered mental status is a problem commonly encountered
by the physician in the emergency setting. “Acute febrile
encephalopathy” is a commonly used term for description of the
altered mental status that either accompanies or follows a short
febrile illness. CNS infections are the most common cause of
nontraumatic disturbed consciousness. The etiologic agents may
be viruses, bacteria, or parasites. Central nervous system
infections are classified into categories beginning with those in
immunocompetent hosts followed by infection with the human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and its opportunistic infections.
The viruses responsible for most cases of acute encephalitis in
immunocompetent hosts are herpes viruses, arboviruses, and
enteroviruses. Neurotropic herpes viruses that cause
Brain Injuries | 41
encephalitis predominantly in immunocompetent hosts include
herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) and 2 (HSV-2), human herpes
virus 6 (HHV-6) and 7 (HHV-7), and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV).
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) and varicella-zoster virus (VZV) may in
some situations cause encephalitis in immunocompetent
patients, but more commonly they produce an opportunistic
infection in immunocompromised individuals, such as those
with HIV infection, organ transplant recipients, or other patients
using immunosuppressive drugs. HSV-1 is the most common
cause of severe sporadic viral encephalitis in the United States;
diagnosis has been become more familiar due to the availability
of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
analysis techniques that allow for rapid, specific, and sensitive
diagnoses. The use of CSF PCR instead of brain biopsy as the
diagnostic standard for HSV encephalitis has expanded
awareness of mild or atypical cases of HSV encephalitis. Adult
encephalitis is caused by 2 viral serotypes, HSV-1 and HSV-2.
Patients with greater than 100 DNA copies/μL HSV in CSF are
more likely than those with fewer copies to have a reduced level
of consciousness, more significant abnormal findings on
neuroimaging, a longer duration of illness, higher mortality, and
more sequelae (Domingues 1997). EBV is almost never cultured
from CSF during infection, and serological testing is
inconclusive, so CSF PCR diagnosis is mandatory.
Semiquantitative PCR analysis of EBV DNA suggests that copy
numbers are significantly higher in patients with active EBV
infection. HHV-6 and -7 can cause exanthema subitum, and
appear to be associated with febrile convulsions, even in the
absence of signs of exanthema subitum. Almost all children
(>90%) with exanthema subitum have HHV-6 or HHV-7 DNA in
CSF. Inflammatory primary brain damage like meningitis and
encephalitis come from pyogenic infections that reach the
intracranial structures in one of two ways - either by
hematogenous spread (infected thrombi or emboli of bacteria) or
by extension from cranial structures (ears, paranasal sinuses,
osteomyelitic foci in the skull, penetrating cranial injuries or
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congenital sinus tracts). In a good number of cases, infection is
iatrogenic, being introduced in the course of cerebral or spinal
surgery, during the placement of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt or
rarely through a lumbar puncture needle. Nowadays, nosocomial
infections are as frequent as the non-hospital acquired variety.
The reason for altered sensorium in meningitis is postulated to
be the spillage of inflammatory cells to the adjacent brain
parenchyma and the resultant brain edema (Levin 1998).
Compressive brain injury: e.g., tumors and cerebral brain
edema are considered as important causes for impairment of the
level of consciousness. During tumor growth, cerebral tissues
adjacent to the tumor and nearby venules are compressed,
which results in elevation of capillary pressure, particularly in
the cerebral white matter, and there is a change in cerebral
blood flow and consequently intracranial pressure. At that stage
the tumor begins to displace tissue, which eventually leads to
displacement of tissue at a distance from the tumor, resulting in
false localizing signs such as transtentorial herniations,
paradoxical corticospinal signs of Kernohan and Woltman, third
and sixth nerve palsies and secondary hydrocephalus, originally
described in tumor patients.


Delirium is a disturbance of consciousness characterized by
acute onset and fluctuating course of inattention accompanied
by either a change in cognition or a perceptual disturbance, so
that a patient’s ability to receive, process, store, and recall
information is impaired.
Delirium, a medical emergency, develops rapidly over a short
period of time, is usually reversible, and is a direct consequence
of a medical condition or a brain insult. Many delirious ICU
patients have recently been comatose, indicating a fluctuation of
mental status. Comatose patients often, but not always, progress
through a period of delirium before recovering to their baseline
mental status.
ICU delirium is a predictor of increased mortality, length of
stay, time on ventilator, costs, re-intubation, long-term cognitive
impairment, and discharge to long-term care facility; it
necessitates special attention, assessment and management.
Delirium assessment is actually an important part of the overall
assessment of consciousness.
Delirium includes three subtypes: hyperactive, hypoactive and
mixed. Hyperactive delirium is characterized by agitation,
restlessness, and attempts to remove tubes and lines. Hypoactive
delirium is characterized by withdrawal, flat affect, apathy,
lethargy, and decreased responsiveness. Mixed delirium is
characterized by fluctuation between the hypoactive and
hyperactive. In ICU patients mixed and hypoactive are the most
common, and are often undiagnosed if routine monitoring is not
implemented. Few ICU patients (less than 5%) experience purely
hyperactive delirium.
The Confusion Assessment Method (CAM) was created in 1990
by Sharon Inouye, and was intended to be a bedside assessment
tool usable by non-psychiatrists to assess for delirium (Inouye
1990). The CAM-ICU is an adaptation of this tool for use in ICU
patients (e.g., critically ill patients on and off the ventilator who
are largely unable to talk).

Scoring and Documentation

Each neurocritical care unit should adopt a special scoring and
documentation system, to be used to assess and document
baseline patient neurological status and status at time of
discharge. These include:
– Vital Signs: BP, temp, pulse, respiration, oximetry
– Pupils: size and reaction to light
– Eye movement: gaze, vergence, individual extraocular
movement and nystagmus
– Mental status: LOC, orientation and speech
– Motor functions: state, power, tone, deep reflexes and
pathological reflexes
– Coordination: gate, upper and lower limbs, if applicable
There are many scales used to assess these functions; each
critical care unit can adopt a set that can be used by its staff.
Tables 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3 show some of the commonly used scales
in clinical practice.
Documentation and Scores | 35
Table 3.1 – Neurological Scales used for assessment of level of
consciousness and mental status
Name and Source Strengths and Weaknesses
Level-of-consciousness scale
Glasgow Coma Scale
(Teasdale 1974, 1979)
Strength: Simple, valid, reliable, for assessment of
Weaknesses: none observed.
Full Outline
Unresponsiveness – FOUR
(Wijdicks 2005)
Strength: The FOUR score is easy to apply and
provides more neurological details than the
Glasgow scale. This scale is able to detect
conditions such locked-in syndrome and the
vegetative state, which are not detected by the
Weaknesses: none observed.
Delirium Scale
Confusion Assessment
Method (CAM)
(Inouye 1990)
Strength: CAM-ICU is an adaptation of the
Confusion Assessment Method (CAM), which was
adapted to be a delirium assessment tool for use in
ICU patients (e.g., critically ill patients on and off
the ventilator who are largely unable to talk).
Weaknesses: none observed.
Richmond Agitation
Sedation Scale (RASS)
(Sessler 2002)
Strength: RASS is logical, easy to administer, and
readily recalled. RASS has high reliability and
validity in medical and surgical, ventilated and
non-ventilated, and sedated and non-sedated
adult ICU patients.
Weaknesses: none observed
Mental status screening
Folstein Mini-Mental State
Examination (Folstein 1975)
Strength: Widely used for screening.
Weaknesses: Several functions with summed
score. May mis-classify patients with aphasia.
Neurobehavioral Cognition
Status Exam (NCSE)
(Kiernan 1987)
Strength: Predicts gain in Barthel Index scores.
Unrelated to age.
Weaknesses: Does not distinguish right from left
hemisphere. No reliability studies in stroke. No
studies of factorial structure. Correlates with
36 | Critical Care in Neurology
Table 3.2 – Neurological Scales used for assessment of stroke deficits
Name and Source Strengths Weaknesses
Measures of disability/activities of daily living (ADL)
Barthel Index
(Mahoney 1965,
Wade 1988)
Widely used for stroke.
Excellent validity and
Low sensitivity for high-level
Measure (FIM)
(Granger 1987)
Widely used for stroke.
Measures mobility, ADL,
cognition, functional
"Ceiling" and "floor" effects
Stroke deficit scales
NIH Stroke Scale
(Brott 1989)
Brief, reliable, can be
administered by nonneurologists
Low sensitivity
Neurological Scale
(Cote 1986)
Brief, valid, reliable Some useful measures omitted
Assessment of motor function
(Fugl-Meyer 1975)
Extensively evaluated
measure. Good validity
and reliability for
assessing sensorimotor
function and balance
Considered too complex and timeconsuming
by many
Motor Assessment
Scale (Poole 1988)
Good, brief assessment of
movement and physical
Reliability assessed only in stable
patients. Sensitivity not tested
Motricity Index
(Collin 1990)
Brief assessment of motor
function of arm, leg, and
Sensitivity not tested
Balance assessment
Berg Balance
(Berg 1992)
Simple, well established
with stroke patients,
sensitive to change
None observed
Mobility assessment
Mobility Index
(Collen 1991)
Valid, brief, reliable test of
physical mobility
Sensitivity not tested
Documentation and Scores | 37
Name and Source Strengths Weaknesses
Assessment of speech and language functions
Boston Diagnostic
(Goodglass 1983)
Widely used,
comprehensive, good
standardization data,
sound theoretical
Long time to administer; half of
patients cannot be classified
Porch Index of
Ability (PICA)
(Porch 1981)
Widely used,
comprehensive, careful
test development and
Long time to administer. Special
training required to administer.
Inadequate sampling of language
other than one word and single
Western aphasia
Battery (Kertesz
Widely used,
Long time to administer. "Aphasia
quotients" and "taxonomy" of
aphasia not well validated
Table 3.3 – Neurological Scales used for assessment of health status and
global disabilities
Type Name and
Strengths Weaknesses
disability scale
Rankin Scale
(Rankin 1957,
Bonita 1988,
Van Swieten
Good for overall
assessment of
Walking is the only
explicit assessment
criterion. Low
Health status/
quality of life
Outcomes Study
(MOS) 36 Item
Health Survey
(Ware 1992)
Generic health status
scale SF36 is improved
version of SF20. Brief,
can be self -
administered or
administered by phone
or interview. Widely
used in the US
Possible "floor" effect
in seriously ill patients
(especially for physical
functioning), suggests it
should be
supplemented by an
ADL scale in stroke
Sickness Impact
Profile (SIP)
(Bergner 1981)
Comprehensive and
well-evaluated. Broad
range of items reduces
"floor" or "ceiling"
Time to administer
somewhat long.
Evaluates behavior
rather than subjective
health; needs questions
on well-being,
happiness, and

Brain Death

After exclusion of the previous syndromes, and in the absence
of brain stem reflexes, brain death in deeply comatose patients
should be established through the following criteria:
1. Irreversible coma
2. Absence of brain stem reflexes
3. Absence of spontaneous respiration (Wood 2004)

Locked-in Syndrome

Locked-in syndrome usually results in quadriparesis and the
inability to speak in otherwise cognitively intact individuals.
Patients with locked-in syndrome may be able to communicate
with others through coded messages by blinking or moving their
eyes, which are often not affected by the paralysis. Patients with
locked-in syndrome are conscious and aware with no loss of
cognitive functions. They sometimes can retain proprioception
and sensation throughout their body. Some patients with lockedin
syndrome may have the ability to move some muscles of the
face, and some or all of the extraocular eye muscles. Patients
with locked-in syndrome lack coordination between breathing
and voice that restricts them from producing voluntary sounds,
even though the vocal cords themselves are not paralyzed. In
children, the commonest cause is a stroke of the ventral pons.
Unlike persistent vegetative state, locked-in syndrome is caused
by damage of the lower brain and brainstem without damage to
How to Approach an Unconscious Patient | 31
the upper brain (Leon Carrion 2002). Possible causes of locked-in
syndrome include: traumatic brain injury, diseases of the
circulatory system, overdose of certain drugs, various causes
which lead to damage to the nerve cells, particularly destruction
of the myelin sheath, e.g., central pontine myelinolysis
secondary to rapid correction of hyponatremia and basilar
artery (ischemic or hemorrhagic) stroke.
There is neither a standard treatment for locked-in syndrome,
nor is there a cure, but stimulation of muscle reflexes with
electrodes (NMES) has been known to help patients regain some
muscle function. Assistive computer interface technologies in
combination with eye tracking may be used to help patients
communicate. Direct brain stimulation research developed a
technique that allows locked-in patients to communicate via
sniffing (Leon Carrion 2002). It is extremely rare for any
significant motor function to return and the majority of lockedin
syndrome patients do not regain motor control, but devices
are available to help patients communicate. 90% die within the
first four months after onset. However, some patients continue
to live for much longer periods of time (Bateman 2001).

Permanent Vegetative State 2

The vegetative state is diagnosed, according to its definition, as
being persistent at least for one month. Based upon class II
evidence and consensus that reflects a high degree of clinical
certainty, the following criteria is standard concerning PVS:
– PVS can be judged to be permanent, at 12 months after
traumatic brain injury in adults and children. Special
attention to signs of awareness should be devoted to
children during the first year after traumatic injury.
– PVS can be judged to be permanent if it lasts more than 3
months, in case of nontraumatic brain injury in both adults
and children.
– The chance for recovery, after these periods, is exceedingly
low and recovery is almost always to a severe disability.
When a patient has been diagnosed as being in a PVS by a
physician skilled in neurological assessment and diagnosis,
physicians have the responsibility of discussing with the family
or surrogates the probability of the patient’s attaining the
various stages of recovery or remaining in a PVS:
– Patients in PVS should receive appropriate medical, nursing,
or home care to maintain their personal dignity and
– Physicians and the family/surrogates must determine
appropriate levels of treatment relative to the
administration or withdrawal of 1) medications and other
commonly ordered treatments; 2) supplemental oxygen and
use of antibiotics; 3) complex organ-sustaining treatments
such as dialysis; 4) administration of blood products; and 5)
artificial hydration and nutrition.
Recovery from PVS can be defined in terms of recovery of
consciousness and function. Recovery of consciousness can be
confirmed when a patient shows reliable signs of awareness of
30 | Critical Care in Neurology
self and their environment, reproducible voluntary behavioral
responses to visual and auditory stimuli, and interaction with
others. Recovery of function occurs when a patient becomes
mobile and is able to communicate, learn, and perform adaptive
skills and self care and participate in recreational or vocational
activities. Using these parameters, recovery of function can be
defined with the Glasgow Outcome Scale.
The life span of adults and children in a PVS proves to be
reduced; for most PVS patients, life expectancy ranges from 2 to
5 years and survival beyond 10 years is unusual. Once PVS is
considered permanent, a “Do not resuscitate (DNR)” order is
appropriate which includes no ventilatory or cardiopulmonary
resuscitation. The decision to implement a DNR order, however,
may be made earlier in the course of the patient’s illness if there
is an advanced directive or agreement by the appropriate
surrogate of the patient and the physicians responsible for the
care of the patient (Plum 2007).

Permanent Vegetative State

Permanent vegetative state (PVS) means an irreversible state of
wakefulness without awareness, associated with sleep-wake
cycles and preserved brainstem functions. There are no reliable
28 | Critical Care in Neurology
set of criteria defining and ensuring diagnosis of PVS in infants
under 3 months old, apart from anencephalics.
There are three major categories of disease in adults and
children that result in PVS, upon which the outcome of PVS
A. In acute traumatic and nontraumatic brain injury, PVS
usually evolves within 1 month of injury from a state of eyesclosed
coma to a state of wakefulness without awareness with
sleep-wake cycles and preserved brainstem functions.
B. Some degenerative and metabolic disorders of the brain (i.e.,
late stage of dementia of Alzheimer type, end stage of Parkinson
disease, and motor neuron disease, pontine myelinolysis, severe
uncorrected hypoglycaemic coma) inevitably progress toward an
irreversible vegetative state. Patients who are severely impaired
but retain some degree of awareness may lapse briefly into a
vegetative state from the effects of medication, infection,
superimposed illnesses, or decreased fluid and nutritional
intake. Such a temporary encephalopathy must be corrected
before labeling that patient with the diagnosis of PVS.
Consciousness recovery is unlikely if the vegetative state persists
for several months.
C. The third cause is severe developmental malformations of
the nervous system - the developmental vegetative state is a
form of PVS that affects some infants and children with severe
congenital malformations of the nervous system. These children
do not acquire awareness of self or their environment. This
diagnosis can be made at birth only in infants with anencephaly.
For children with other severe malformations who appear
vegetative at birth, observation for 3 to 6 months is
recommended to determine whether these infants acquire
awareness. The majority of such infants who are vegetative at
birth remain vegetative; those who acquire awareness usually
recover only to a severe disability.